Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Acknowledging that your child needs extra help with their emotional or behavioral issues can be scary for parents – but getting an expert in their corner can make a big difference in your child’s life.

If your child is dealing with stress or significant life events like family or school transitions, separation or divorce, serious family illness or loss, AND/OR you’ve noticed a change in their mood or behavior, school performance, or social functioning, then individual therapy with a child psychologist could be the help they need.

Individual therapy for children/adolescents differs from group therapy in that your child is the singular focus of their therapist and their treatment is tailored just for them. In one-on-one sessions, I will help your child develop individualized goals for therapy. Then I will design a treatment plan with the specific skills and activities needed to achieve their therapy goals.

In individual therapy for children/adolescents, I will mostly meet with your child by themselves but you may be asked to be involved for part or all of a session now and then to check-in or learn a family-based skill. With children ages 10 and younger, I usually like to check-in with parents at the beginning and/or end of each session so you can update me on their progress and I can update you on the new skills they’ve learned so you can support them at home.

So if any of these sound like your child…

  • They can’t stop worrying about things
  • They have more fears than other kids their age
  • They cry frequently or appear sad and tearful
  • They are irritable, sulky, angry, or withdrawn
  • They aren’t as interested in friends or activities anymore
  • You’ve noticed changes in their sleep, appetite or weight
  • They have frequent headaches or stomachaches
  • They worry excessively about their appearance
  • They have trouble solving problems on their own
  • Other areas of their life are negatively impacted by their struggle
  • They are hesitant to talk to you about their problems or…
  • You aren’t sure you can help them on your own

…then your child could benefit from having their own individual therapist to get their life back on a healthy track.

Please reach out to me today for an assessment for individual therapy or to schedule your child’s first appointment.